- When the shots first came out there was Hard Rock America , Hard Rock International , and Hard Rock Canada.
- USA east of Mississippi , Europe and Japan had RED letters and 2 thin black lines around the logo.
- USA west of Mississippi , and all the other locations had BLACK letters and Save The Planet (STP) and 2 thin black lines around the logo. except Canadian franchises had their blue logo .
Generally we differenciate between 3 types (generations) of STP (Save the Planet) shots.
To differentiate the generations we have to take a closer look on the word "CAFE" in the logo.
In the first and second Generation the word "CAFE" is writen a little bit larger (it reaches up tp the middle of the "R" of "ROCK").
The first and second generation can only be diffentiated that in the first generation the word "CAFE" is written in yellow filled letters and in the second generation generation they are clear/transparent. The third generation shots have the same clear letters as the second, but as already mentioned they are a little bit smaller.
When RANK Corporation purchased all 3 parts of Hard Rock and the "All is One" theme was added to the mantras, all the cafes went to just a BLACK LETTER named logo and 2 thin black lines around the logo.
The are different variations : Large Cafe - Thick - Thin Font - old Asia - Taiwan Bottom - Orange Logo - Key Hole
Red Circle
Peter Morton started the Las Vegas Hotel & Casino with his money from the sale of his part to Rank , It was always a separate company and they had their own standard & special shots.
Some event , online , and other special shots are released.
City shots - designs based off of the city T shirts.
- 2004 USA cafes started - 2005 EUROPE and 2006 rest of the WORLD
- Many pin events have had event shot glasses
- the shot collector events have had OFFICIAL and COLECTOR ONLY shots.
- there have been ALOT of city style shots that were sold on the hard rock web page
- there have been many special shots including flag logo, New Years, Anniversary, sports , Grand opening , etc and logo red circel
Renegade Shot Glasses
Refers to a Hard Rock Cafe location that is not owned by HRC . Some examples are : Athens, Amsterdam , Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Mykonos . Renegade glass differ from fake, by the presence of a cafe. ( in some countries there was later an official hrc open )
Fake / False shot glasses (Fantasy, Helio , and Atteendec )
These are sold where no hrc or have no connection with hrc . in short , these were made by private people , street vendor or sovenirs shops .some are pure fatasy or replicas , Helio was made by the manufacturer with this name , Atteendec by collectors during a measurement , which were sold in a limited edition ; proceeds wast donated to charity . Unfortunately, there are also good forgeries of shot glasses from hrc, the font, the logo or color is wrong or were not used at the time of issue
Glasses with different names but from the same cafe